Corporate Governance Policy

TTCL Public Company Limited aims to operating under the principles of Good Corporate Governance which reflects the management with efficiency, transparency, and examinable, leading to the creating of the confidence and creditability to the shareholders, investors, the stakeholders, and all related parties. It directs to encourage the company’s competitiveness, growth and long-term shareholder value, taking into account the interests of company stakeholders. The principles and practices of Good Corporate Governance are presented in 5 categories, namely;

  1. Rights of Shareholders
  2. Equitable Treatment of Shareholders
  3. Roles of Stakeholders
  4. Disclosure and Transparency
  5. Board of Director Responsibilities

The Company has established the good corporate governance policy and devised a clear policy for strict conformance as follows:

Rights of Shareholders

The Company recognizes the importance and promotes the shareholders to exercise their rights including legal fundamental rights. The guidelines for best practices towards shareholders are as follows;

  • The Company shall respect the rights of shareholders according to the law.
  • The Company holds the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGM) every year within four months after the end of each fiscal year. Moreover, an extraordinary meeting of shareholders shall be called on case by case.
  • The Company shall provide an opportunity for shareholders to propose agenda in advance. Moreover, invitation notice with precise details shall be sent to the shareholders.
  • The Company shall facilitate all shareholders with equality, and shall not deprive the rights of shareholders. Moreover, the Company shall support the shareholders to exercise their rights in protecting their own interests.
  • The Company shall prepare and publish a minutes of shareholders’ meeting, and consider comments from the meeting to improve the shareholders’ meeting continuously.
Roles of Stakeholders

The Company recognizes stakeholders’ legitimate rights and any agreement with the company on an equitable basis as follows;

  • The Company realizes the importance of all stakeholders’ rights according to the law, either inside such as employee, board of management and subsidiaries or outside the Company such as shareholder, customer, business partners, business competitors, creditors, financial institutions, local communities, society, environment, relevant public agencies and organizations.
  • The Company respect, non-violated human rights, not associate with forced labor, child labor and human trafficking.
  • The Company also emphasises on respecting intellectual property rights of business partners and other third parties. Protect and administer the Company’s intellectual property.
  • The Company commits on transparent business practices, anti-bribery and corruption. The Company participated in Private Sector Collective Action Coalition against Corruption.
  • The Company shall provide a communication channel for all stakeholders to report any clue or whistle blowing related to illegal action, misconduct, or corrupt practice which damage the Company’s benefit or reputation.